Before the holiday break, I held a holiday-themed group music class for students. You can read about how I’ve been adding occasional group music classes to my studio here. The classes are two hours long. Here is how I structured the group class:
- First half hour: Students played holiday pieces for each other.
- Second half hour: I printed Fun & Learn Music’s holiday fortune tellers. I showed the students how to cut and fold them, and then they separated into pairs to quiz each other.
- Third half hour: Rhythm cards.
- Third half hour: Rhythm cards.
- Last half hour: Cupcakes! A mom volunteered to bring cupcakes for the students. They really enjoyed the fortune tellers so after they ate cupcakes, I showed them how to make their own from a blank piece of paper.
I changed the cost of the Saturday group class from $10 to $15. Even if just five students attend the class, you can make an extra $75. Here are other group classes I’ve held:
Lauren teaches piano to students of all ages. She enjoys creating resources for her students and teachers. She is the author of Ready for Theory®. For personalized help, check out the consultations page for teachers.