Increase Your Income with a Solo Festival
Creating your own festival for students is a great way to not only give students an extra performance opportunity, but to also increase your income
Teaching Music with Colors
Coloring music consistently has really helped secure students’ understanding of intervals. Read more to learn about teaching music with colors.
Group Lessons 101 Launch
The Group Lessons 101 Webinar is officially launching today! Get a wealth of resources for adding group music lessons and camps to your studio.
Piano Safari Worksheets
Free worksheets for the Piano Safari method.
Piano Safari Technique Reference Sheets
The creators of Piano Safari, Katherine Fisher and Julie Knerr, developed seven different animal technical exercises. This free PDF has an image of each exercise so that you can easily reference a technique while teaching.
Free Event for Group Lessons 101
Tracy Selle and Sara Campbell are hosting a FREE live webcast this Wednesday, March 2 at 12:00 pm EST. Register to get an exclusive offer for the Group Lessons 101 Webinar and learn ways to boost your studio income with group lessons and camps.
Dynamics and Tempo Reference Sheets
Two free PDF downloads: Dynamics and tempo reference sheets.
Upcoming Group Music Lessons Webinar
I am very excited to be a part of Tracy Selle's upcoming group music lessons webinar: Group Lessons 101: A Creative Guide to Teaching Group Lessons and Summer Camps. The webinar includes: Interviews: Six teachers will be interviewed about creative ways for teaching...
Ready for Theory Piano Workbooks
This post lists the features that set Ready for Theory apart from other music theory workbook series.
Incentive Prizes
Fill your prize bucket with fun items to motivate students.