Succeeding at the Piano Christmas Books Review
This is a review of the Preparatory A and B Christmas books that coordinate with Helen Marlais’ All-In-One Approach to Succeeding at the Piano.
Performance Group Class
Last Saturday I held a performance group class for students who are participating in a competition this coming weekend. The class not only allowed students to get out pre-performance nerves, but also taught them to listen critically to each other.
Create Your Own Piano Festival
Creating your own piano festival allows you to offer a judged event that works best for you and your students. You can even make a profit while doing so!
Halloween Group Music Class
Students wore costumes and played Halloween themed music games for this fun group class.
Piano Safari Interval Cards
Read more about using the Piano Safari Interval Cards with students. The cards reinforce reading seconds and thirds on the staff.
Online Resources for Music Teachers
Last week at the LMTA convention, I led a forum about online resources for music teachers. My forum included different blogs and Facebook groups to go to for teaching or business related issues.
Teaching Group Music Classes
Are you looking to add group music classes to your studio? Read more about my solution to getting students together for fun activities.
Using Incentive Stickers in Your Studio
Using incentive charts in your studio will help motive students. Students will count their stickers each week and work harder to finish their charts.
Note Naming Worksheets – Treble and Bass Clef Notes (PDF)
Note naming worksheets to help students with: Landmark notes, Middle C position, Bass clef C position, Treble clef line notes, and more.
Teaching Piano Pieces by Rote
Teaching pieces by rote is something that I’ve never tried, but after using Piano Safari with a few students, I became a big fan! Find out about how I’m incorporating rote pieces into my teaching.