
New Download: Rhythm Values Chart

New Download: Rhythm Values Chart

A friend of mine asked me to make a rhythm chart that shows the length of various notes. In the chart below, you'll see that the duration of each note is represented by the length of the box in relation to the whole note. For example, the length of the box for a half...

A Visual for Chord Inversion Fingerings

A Visual for Chord Inversion Fingerings

I don't know about you, but I feel like I am always correcting chord inversion fingerings! I go over it several times with students, write it in their notebooks, and they still miss when to use finger 2 or 3. I found that this large chart with color coordinated...

New Review *and* Great Discount

New Review *and* Great Discount

Amy Chaplin's blog, Piano Pantry, is one of my favorite blogs these days! Her "Friday Finds" are always great! She just wrote a review of my theory series, Ready for Theory. Her review includes a great discount code that you don't want to miss! Be sure to check it out...

NCKP 2017

NCKP 2017

Last week, I visited Chicago to attend the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. It was my first time to  attend this particular conference. I not only enjoyed attending the sessions, but I also had fun spending time with friends!  Pictured above from left are:...

New Product! Grand Staff Note Speller

New Product! Grand Staff Note Speller

The Grand Staff Note Speller includes a packet of worksheets and and an answer key. Topics include naming skips in the music alphabet, naming space notes on the Grand Staff, and naming line notes on the Grand Staff. There are a total of 15 pages in the Note Speller....