Small Printable Alphabet Cards
Print these free, colorful alphabet cards to help students name the white keys on the piano.
Print these free, colorful alphabet cards to help students name the white keys on the piano.
Coloring music consistently has really helped secure students’ understanding of intervals. Read more to learn about teaching music with colors.
Free worksheets for the Piano Safari method.
The creators of Piano Safari, Katherine Fisher and Julie Knerr, developed seven different animal technical exercises. This free PDF has an image of each exercise so that you can easily reference a technique while teaching.
Two free PDF downloads: Dynamics and tempo reference sheets.
Last week at the LMTA convention, I led a forum about online resources for music teachers. My forum included different blogs and Facebook groups to go to for teaching or business related issues.
Note naming worksheets to help students with: Landmark notes, Middle C position, Bass clef C position, Treble clef line notes, and more.
An essential part of music study is to become familiar with the musical alphabet. Being able to name steps or skips quickly in either direction is the foundation for theory. Students ultimately need to be able to spell scales and chords with ease. This week I made a set of musical alphabet worksheets to use on my iPad with students.
What do snowmen hamburgers, cookies, and jellybeans have to do with music? This post explains how one simple supplement can help you teach all 12 major keys to beginning students.
For a quick activity with students, you can make your own cards of the musical alphabet and accidentals using this free printable.