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Piano Safari is a great method book for teaching piano students how to read music. Over the years, I’ve made various supplements to use with the series. There are worksheets, visuals, and easy games available for students who are using this method. Here’s a roundup of various resources for the Piano Safari Method.

– Treble & Bass Clef recognition
– Landmarks
Download the worksheets here.
I made these colorful reference sheets to hang in my studio. Even when students are out of the method, I find myself still referring to the animal techniques. Download the technique reference sheets here.
*These also make great visuals for online lessons.
The Ready for Theory® Level 1 workbook coordinates very well with Piano Safari® Level 3. The major keys covered in the workbook include F, C, G, D, A, E, and B. The minor keys in the workbook include a, d, and e. The workbook gives students lots of practice for drawing scales, I, IV, & V chords, and chord inversions on the staff. The dotted quarter-eighth note rhythm is even covered in the workbook. Check out the Level 1 workbook here.
A lot of theory workbooks have note naming by either just treble or bass clef, so I made some worksheets that had notes on the Grand Staff for those students in Piano Safari. These worksheets give students extra practice for note naming. There is a free sample here. The full download is here and includes unlimited prints for your studio.
I laminated these cards and use them regularly at the end of lessons. Students love to make up their own rhythm patterns. The cards include the note values that are introduced in Level 1 of Piano Safari. Download the cards here.
Shake & tap is another fun way to reinforce rhythm. When I made this game, I made sure to include those two-eighth and four-eighth note values that are in Piano Safari. My students absolutely love rolling dice during their lessons. Shake & Tap is available here. (There is also a compound meter version here.)
These can be used for Dr. Julie Knerr’s decorating the piano activity. Download the small alphabet cards here.
Here is a post that includes a list of extra music for students that coordinates with Level 1 of Piano Safari.
Piano Safari teaches note reading in addition to playing by rote. Check out this post for how to teach piano music by rote.
Lauren teaches piano to students of all ages. She enjoys creating resources for her students and teachers. She is the author of Ready for Theory®. For personalized help, check out the consultations page for teachers.
You’re back! The other day I was just thinking it had been awhile since you’ve posted anything. This was a great post idea. Hope you’re well!
Hi Amy, Yes! Back in action… have a long idea list and hoping to be consistent this year 😀 😀 😀 😀