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Finding downloadable resources for teaching is a great way to try new activities in your studio. Some teachers may choose to utilize their digital resources on a tablet, but I prefer using tactile resources with my students any chance I get.
You can receive digital resources immediately but then there is the hassle of printing, laminating, and cutting. This can be time-consuming for a teacher!
Here are two ways I use printable resources that are not too time-consuming.
1. Self-Adhesive Laminating Sheets
I use self-adhesive laminating sheets for activities that I want to reuse in my studio. I use these sheets for rhythm cards, alphabet and accidental cards, and even games like Shake & Tap.
When I purchased these laminating sheets for the first time, I was wondering if I’d have issues with smoothing out bubbles (like using contact paper). I had zero problems with bubbles, because these sheets are very thick.
After putting my printed pages into the laminating sheets, I used my paper-cutter to quickly cut out the cards. These laminating sheets were a huge time-saver.
Check them out here!
2. Dry-Erase Pocket Sleeves
For printable worksheets, I like to print worksheets one time and then use them in dry-erase pocket sleeves. You can see how I used them on St. Patrick’s Day worksheets below.
I love to use washable dry-erase markers with the sleeves. They don’t have the strong smell like other dry-erase markers and are very easy to wipe off.
Here are some popular printable resources on this site:
Upgraded Printable Rhythm Cards
Alphabet and Accidental Printable Cards

Lauren teaches piano to students of all ages. She enjoys creating resources for her students and teachers. She is the author of Ready for Theory®. For personalized help, check out the consultations page for teachers.